First Friday

Like others at the Hungerford, we spent the evening of October 4 with our doors wide open. And, as usual, the studio was packed throughout this First Friday event. But it wasn't the usual chatting with crowds that got us most excited. It was one visitor, a girl named Claire, that made our evening.

During every First Friday event, we have a large bucket of balloons out on the back table. You never know what's going to be found in there. Whenever we have an almost empty bag of balloons, we dump out the remaining contents in this bucket. Balloons left over at the end of jobs, things that get dropped on the floor while we're working, and just random samples that show up all end up in this bucket over the course of the month. We encourage everyone that wants to learn about balloons to reach into that bucket and just play. Claire did that. She sat quietly in the back of the studio all evening, getting occasional tips from us on how to make things, but mostly, she just played on her own and created. 

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